We are a circular design studio based in Stockholm, offering complete interior architecture solutions, uniquely designed products, and impactful exhibitions. We work exclusively with circular manufacturing, upcycling and sustainable interior. Placing focus on design and functionality, as much as people’s wellbeing and the preservation of our planet. Write us to discuss your project.
Have a look in our LAB
Participating in the exhibition Matter Displaced.
May 19 - 22, 2022. Lokstallarna in Malmö.
Designer Maker + Local Waste = Matter Displaced
To produce and consume locally is to use assets and resources nearby. This exhibition will highlight the designers addressing the mountains of waste already produced and will be produced.
The chosen exhibiting products in Matter Displaced use waste as a material source, found locally, which we call "matter displaced". This new generation of designers are coming up with creative solutions to tackle these issues.
Live seminar:
DEZEEN: Livestream 20:th May 12:15-1PM
Industrial Development Center
Welcome to ASSAR and a seminar on products made from waste materials. Listen to manufacturers and designers who work with new material flows. You can also choose to follow the seminar via the web.
Product development, which is based on residual streams, by-products and recycled materials, places new demands on both companies and research, but it also opens up new opportunities. Join us in our development work - gain new knowledge, new contacts and show yourself in an exciting context!
May 24, 08:30 - 13:00. ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena Skövde + online.
Woodlife Sweden utställning
Woodlife Sweden är en utställning där 40 svenska träprojekt visar hur arkitektur och design kan bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan. Utställningen syftar till att öka intresset för hållbar utveckling och öppna för nya samarbeten mellan aktörer inom hela träindustrin.
14 - 15 och 21 - 22 maj. Folkets hus i Mustadfors i Dals Långed.
13 Maj är seminariet mitt i utställningen.
Woodlife Sweden har producerats av Svenska institutet och Sveriges Arkitekter i samarbete med branschorganisationerna Svenskt Trä och Skogsindustrierna
Eventet stöds av Västra Götalandsregionen.